Music in the Parks Tour 2025
Please check back to this web site often, as the latest information will be posted here as new information becomes available. Any changes since the previous update will be highlighted in red.
​(page updated 1/25/2025)

Important Dates
Please make checks payable to "Mills Music Arts Group" and note the student's name on the memo, and drop it in the lock box in the Band Room in a sealed envelope.
It is our greatest pleasure to announce the Mills Music Field Trip to the Music at the Parks held at around locations in the bay area. Students will be leaving Friday, April 25 morning and return Saturday March 26, 2025 (students will miss one day of school.
Students will be performing at various venues around the bay area locations. Please see the details following the links on this page.
The cost of the trip is $150 per student. Please review the links and documents listed below for detailed information. Itinerary from the previous trip is supplied in the links below to give an idea of the activities during the trip. Itinerary will be updated as information become available.
If you, at any time, have any issues with this trip, please contact Mr. Gregoric at dgregoric@smuhsd.org
For trip specific detail/logistics questions, please contact Matt Machlis at v-pres@millshsmusic.org
Trip Details
General Policy
During the trip, all prevailing health protocols will be followed, and school behavior rules will be enforced.
The entire trip cost is non-refundable (even if unable to travel due to illness or other personal reasons)
Standard SMUHSD health guidelines will apply to participate (e.g. if ill prior to trip, no fever for 24hrs without any medication, etc)
School Trip Info and Forms
Payment vouchers (pdf download)
please enclose voucher with each check. Make checks payable to "Mills Music Arts Group", write the student's name in the memo, and place it in a sealed envelope, and drop it in the lock box in the Band Room -
Hotel: TBD (link)
Bus: SMUHSD School Bus
Trip Itinerary updated for 2024 (pdf download)
Itinerary details subject to change -
Packing list (PDF download)
Updated for 2024 -
Trip mandatory parent meeting video from 2022 (link)
Recording of the mandatory meeting for parents of participating student -
Medical Consent Form (online form)
One form per student required. Please fill out the online form, and then print out the pre-filled pdf that was e-mailed to you, review the document, sign and return to Mr. G or in the drop box Due Mon 2/26/2024
If you do not receive the document, please contact webmaster with the student's name, and a copy will be re-sent. -
Trip Rules and Behavior Contract (online form)
One form per student required. Please fill out the online form, then print out the pre-filled pdf that was e-mailed to you, review the document, and return the signed form to Mr. G or in the drop box. Due Mon 2/26/2024
If you do not receive the document, please contact webmaster with the student's name, and a copy will be re-sent. -
Field Trip Form (handed out in class) - Due 2/22/2024
This form is required by SMUHSD. It may ask the same questions from previous forms that were filled out for the Music Director, but it goes to a different audience and purpose. -
Chaperone forms (form, LiveScan provider info)
All chaperones must have LiveScan background check on file with SMUHSD, and be certified for ASCC.
Disney Info
Great Americal Official Mobile App (link)
Android app download​